Fire Protection System Design & Installation
Residential, Commercial & Industrial Sprinklers
Dry Risers
Service & Maintenance


Tandi Sprinklers are specialists in the design and install of high quality and compliant sprinkler systems for both residential and commercial properties.

We are also able to provide site surveys, sprinkler system design, sprinkler system installation, servicing, repairs and maintenance.

All of our engineers are fully trained in all aspects of sprinkler installation.
Fire Sprinkler Design


Our specialist design experts work with you to design a bespoke sprinkler system to suit your individual needs and building type, whilst still providing a cost-effective solution. We use the latest software to ensure the design is compliant and in line with the latest safety regulations and requirements. 

Designing a sprinkler system can be a complex operation, each installed sprinkler head must be positioned at the correct position to ensure that the whole room is protected whilst also taking in to consideration the aesthetics of the ceiling and room decor. Once this is established the pipe work then needs to be mapped out and fitted in to the ceiling structure.

All our designs take into account BS12845 and any other relevant technical and guidance documents.

The supply to the pipe work is then established, whether this be via a direct water supply from an incoming mains pipe or a water storage tank with a fire pump set.

On completion of the design and once it’s been approved by the client you can be assured that we’ll stay involved in the project through to completion and will assign our own qualified engineers to install the sprinkler system.
Commercial - Design
  • Designed to BS 12845
  • To be agreed with building control / insurer
  • Town main flow & pressure results
  • Design dictate system requirements
Fire Sprinkler Installation


The installation of sprinklers is always carried out by tandi's qualified engineers, this not only means that we can ensure that the design of the sprinkler system is installed to our high quality specifications and complies to current standards, but also provides the client with only one point of contact who will manage their project from start to finish.

The pipe work and sprinkler heads are installed in accordance with the design drawings, and secured in to the building structure.

compliescom It’s best to fit the fire sprinkler heads as part of the first fix of a building to allow for pressure testing of the whole system, prior to the ceiling and floors being closed up and installed. All of our sprinkler heads are installed accurately to ensure that the sprinkler cover plat sits flush to the finished ceiling and keeps in line with the aesthetic of the room decoration.

Once all of the pipe work and sprinkler heads have been installed and secured, the whole system is inspected and tested. Every pipe joint is visually inspected for leaks and the system left under pressure until it is connected to the water main supply or fire pump set.

By having Tandi Sprinklers install your fire sprinkler system you can be safe in the knowledge that your property is protected from fire and fire damage.
Commercial - Installation
  • Install to agreed drawings
  • Install required pump & tank
  • Commission
  • Certificate
Fire Sprinkler Maintenance


To ensure your sprinkler system will operate correctly and is in fully working condition, it is a requirement of the British Standard that it is maintained and subject to an annual service.

At Tandi Sprinklers we offer a maintenance service with all of the sprinkler systems we install. We will contact you a month prior to when the system requires a service and will offer to book you in for an inspection.

Following the service, a new commissioning certificate will be presented and the log book signed. Tandi Sprinklers will advise of any failures and issue a full report. We can then work with you to complete any remedial work
Commercial - Maintenance
  • Service to BS TB203
  • Alarm equipment & switches quarterly
  • Validation survey & report on request
  • Major service to alarm valves
  • Minor service to alarm valves
  • Major service to pump
  • Minor service to pump
  • Tank inspection
  • Triemmial service to NRV
  • 10 year service to tanks
  • 25 year inspection & service


We are committed to the installation of high quality and compliant sprinkler systems to provide cost-efficient solutions for both residential and commercial properties. All of our fire protection systems use LPC approved materials and we are accredited by, and members of the following associations BAFSA, QMS, BSI, XACT and FIRAS.